February 14, 2016

  • The Supreme Court

    Antonin Scalia is dead.  RIP, good sir.

    So now what?  It goes without saying, the filling of a vacancy on the Supreme Court should not be politicized.  It also goes without saying, the filling WILL be politicized.

    President Obama will do his duty, and nominate a successor.

    The Republicans in the senate, led by Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, will do what they see as THEIR duty, and refuse to confirm.

    What else is new?  We have gridlock.

    I'm disgusted.  So are we all.

    It's actually hard to blame McConnell.  It's also hard to blame Obama.

    We're kind of up shit creek.  I'll go on record as predicting that no nominee will be confirmed.

    All the more reason to vote our conscience in November.

Comments (5)

  • It is a sad state of affairs. The contentious nature of the house and senate is exasperating.

  • I was so angry as I watched the debate last night that I nearly turned it off -- but how, then does one know anything?! I agree that no nominee will be confirmed until after January 2017 -- the state of the union is disgusting!

  • It is a disgusting platform where people start off in anger, hatred, insults and bullying. And these are the people who are running for the highest office in this country? I don't even bother to listen to them after ten or fifteen minutes.

  • I now just this minute Googled 'Xanga' and saw what looks like, believe it or not, a sign of life?!
    Ok, as to the matter at hand, I'm bracing myself for 4 years in hiding, ashamed of who my home-country decided to elect as king. I was so happy on the news of Obama I and II; and then a bit let down by his inability in the prevailing climate to make real changes. I smell 'The decline and fall of Rome: the sequel', coming soon.
    At any rate, a joy to at least pretend that Xanga is back/ JS/ Israel

  • @jsolberg: So nice to hear from you. The country's not in great shape; neither is Xanga. Me, personally, doing just fine. Just turned 76, and I feel like 46. I'm optimistic that everything will get better. Except, when I'm 96, if the world survives that long, I might be within view of the end of my times, if not everyone's times.

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