September 28, 2013

  • Too Much To Remember

    So I'm writing it down here.  Couldn't sleep (you'll know why later), it's 3:18 a.m. this second and ...

    1. Read Walgreen instructions

    2. Feed dogs

    3. Write (doing that now)

    4. Canteloupe


    6. Check email

    7. I miss the Daily News

    1.  I changed over from Liberty to Walgreens on the diabetes testing kit and I'm having a devil of a time with the new kit.  Tother day when I was at the doctor's office I had to wait and wait and wait and because I had to keep a movie date with my wife I just didn't have time to make them sit down and show me how the new kit worked. 

    1A.  Not on my list above, but it's irritating as hell to type on Xanga and have to keep it in one paragraph so as to keep the boldface (I'll indent later).  There must be an easier way. 

    2.  Because I got up so early, I have to remember to stop typing when it gets to be 4 or 4:30 so I can feed the dogs.  There's seven in the house at the moment.  My own five --  Yoo-Hoo, Dagmar, Max, Fritz, Margie -- and the two guests Guido and Harvey, whose owners are up in Maryland getting married this weekend. 

    3. Write.  By which I mean, not the rest of the crap 1-7 but THIS paragraph in which I cry out in pain over the anguish that kept me from sleeping in the first place. 

    Long long story.  Background.  Barbara house-sits for other people's dogs and there's lots of times I'm in the house alone wondering if and when Barbara's coming back home for lunch or dinner and if I make the mistake of just eating when I'm hungry, then sure as anything Barbara will waltz in the door and be disappointed that I didn't wait for her. 

    So anyway, Thursday night we were dining out and discussing the next day's plans and it's Gourmet Hamburger Day (a United Way fundraiser) at the hospital where I work and so Barbara jumps at the idea of meeting there for a burger, so she promises to call me sometime Friday morning to make plans for the day.  In my mind I know that Barbara will be sleeping late and might not call me till 9 or 10 in the morning.  I've promised her I will be at home waiting for her call.  (There's NO way for me to call her.  She just bought a cellphone not long ago but she doesn't know how to answer it or retrieve a message.  She has it so she can call out when she wants to.)

    I also know she wants to see Ron Howard's movie "Rush" and I want to see it too so I'm planning to suggest it when she calls on Friday and so ...

    Time goes by and she never calls!  10 a.m.  11 a.m.  (Hamburger's available between 11 and 3).  Noon.  1 p.m.  The lady Barbara's house-sitting for lives in a gated community and I can't get in but she's due home Friday evening and of course I'm worried Barbara might be lying dead in her kitchen and so I call the lady (Pat) who tells me she's still in Kansas (!) but the plane will be leaving soon and she'll only be an hour late getting home and Barbara is ALREADY shuttling between two house-sitting homes and doing multiple errands and getting a mammogram but anyway by the time Pat called me back (4 p.m.), I'd already heard from Barbara (3:40) via phone message because something weird happened when Barbara called and when I picked up the phone neither of us could hear the other and Barbara left the message saying she'd be home in an hour. 

    At 5:30 Barbara finally shows up with a few groceries (part of her Thursday night promise was that she'd cook dinner at home on Friday) and I allow as how I hadn't eaten at all because she was supposed to call regarding Gourmet Hamburger Day and she said, for the one and only time Friday in a sincere voice, "I forgot.  I'm sorry."  I thought I reacted appropriately, accepting the apology but repeating that it was fairly urgent that we eat soon as I hadn't eaten all day waiting for her call and she replied somewhat sarcastically that I should have taken care of myself (totally forgetting how mad she gets when I eat before she gets home even on days when we had made no plans whatsoever!) and anyway, unbeknownst to her I'm not a complete idiot and I did wolf down two packages of nuts and four delicious cookies that were lying around, plus a can of soda -- all needed because I hadn't checked my sugar that morning because I was nursing my left-over Liberty equipment to make it last until I have time to figure out the Walgreen's and I was feeling light-headed so the nuts and the cookies and the soda took care of me well enough but didn't spoil my appetite for the gourmet hamburger that I never got to eat! 

    So anyway, Barbara said it would take too long to cook a meal so we went out to eat (another expensive restaurant dinner that I can't really afford because you wouldn't believe how many times we eat out instead of eat in) and here's the thing. 

    I don't do well with hearing nothing but sarcasm from the wife that I love (unless she's screaming and I don't like that either) and even though it's Barbara who's completely at fault here, she doesn't understand that that's the case because she's completely insane. 

    I say that in all sincerity.  Believe it or not, most of the time we get along OK and on her good days she doesn't even remember how impossible she can be on the bad days. 

    And so this is how we get through life.  My marching orders (from the therapist) are not to escalate, and the louder Barbara talks the softer I have to talk, and Barbara's marching orders (from the same therapist) are to be clear, concise and direct but Barbara has no concept of what that means.  She tries.  She really does.

    So do I.

    Close to 4 a.m.  It's time to feed the dogs.  More later, maybe.  Also, I'll eat the canteloupe that will be turning to garbage if I don't eat it soon.

Comments (10)

  • OH Bob! I want to cry. I am sorry your Friday was such a bust. SOOOooo Sorry. Next time, you wait for one hour, and then go ahead and do your own thing about eating and going to the fancy hamburger affair or whatever. Also, keep some granola bars near by so you don't get hypoglycemic.
    Lots of love,


    • Thanks, Zakiah. I was all right, really. I had a decent breakfast, and the nuts and soda and cookies were enough to get me through till we had dinner. When I'm exceptionally hungry, as I was by late afternoon, I get cranky, and Barbara gets mad when I get cranky, so we had one of those rough spots that we had to get through. We always get through the rough spots. It's OK, really.

      As for how Saturday went:

      I'd wanted to take Barbara to see the movie "Rush" on Friday, but of course that didn't happen. So with Saturday being as uncertain as Friday was (in terms of, would I see Barbara at all, and when), I saw "Rush" alone at 11 a.m. (loved it!), then drove to the hospital to check on the dying friend of a friend (another long story; maybe I'll fictionalize the names and blog about it soon), got home around 2:30 and prepared a huge salad with a can of salmon for protein. Barbara showed up, unannounced, around 3:15, and we had a pleasant late afternoon and evening and late dinner together. Well, pleasant as it could be. Talking things out always makes things worse, which is unfortunate but that's the way it is. It's an odd marriage, but the truth is, even when Barbara is being impossible, and I can't say one word to her without setting her off, I look across the room and see a woman that I'm in love with. And that gets me through the rough times.

  • you need a new therapist

    • You might be right, but my opinion is that Carole saved our marriage. Barbara and I do love each other deeply, and we'll be celebrating our 15th anniversary next June. I like to say, good-humoredly, that everyone should be happy for the two OTHER people in the world who are not being driven crazy by Barbara and me.

  • Aw. :-(
    I hope writing it all down helped!

    • It certainly did help to write it down. For one thing, I got through Saturday without needing a Xanax tablet to calm myself down. Seriously, that's a drug that some people abuse but just one tablet is all I need when I feel so agitated that I can't think straight. For another, Barbara prepared a nice dinner and while there was still a little bit of tension, we're in good shape. Barbara is house-sitting until early November, and this is very tough on both of us (I'm less troubled than she is, generally, by these kinds of things.) And the third indication that writing it down helped is that I was able to sleep through the night. In fact, Guido came into the bedroom at 4:30 and roughly scratched my back to tell me I'd slept past feeding time.

  • Life is not always simple when we are two !
    In friendship

  • I'm glad it DID help you to write it down!
    I know that helps me! :-)
    And I truly try to take one day at a time. And try to find the joy in today.
    HUGE HUGS!!! :-)

  • written down....I'm sure it helped...It did me, when I went through these stages.....When I was married to the one who did nothing but cheat, lie, and abuse......Why I stayed so long is beyond me....

    Now, 23 years later....So happy, I don't need to write......

  • my dad got a new blood sugar tester and he had a devil setting it up

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